6 claras de huevo
1 sobre de levadura
1/2 cuchara de bicarbonato
Pipas de girasol
Pipas de calabaza
Semillas de amapola
Recetas familiares y de cocineros profesionales
This recipe is very simple, it is not necessary to fry the potato if we lower the calories.
3 large potatoes
4 eggs
Virgin olive oil
Put the potatoes in a steamer and steam them or if we do not have them cooked, let them cool and peel them.
Put a frying pan with a little olive oil, cut the potatoes and beat the eggs, mix everything, add the salt and pepper to taste and pour everything into the pan.
We make the tortilla to the taste more or less done.
I assure you it comes out honeyy and very tender.
3 large onions
The onion is cut into julienne as thin as possible, in a pan is put olive oil until covering the bottom, the onion is thrown cut and left to simmer for 2 or 3 hours stirring from time to time.
The onion is made in its own juice and caramelized alone.
La quinoa es un cereal, es muy bueno para embarazadas, niños, gente con colesterol, gente que quiere adelgazar y para deportistas. contiene aminoácidos necesarios y esenciales para el ser humano y un excepcional equilibrio de proteínas grasas y carbohidratos, posee más fibra ayuda a controlar los niveles de azucar en sangre y te da una mayor sensación de saciedad. fortalece la musculatura y los tejidos.
150grs de quinoa blanca
1 huevo
Pan rallado.
Lavamos la quinoa con agua abundante para quitar el amargo que produce un pollito que lleva el propio cereal.
Una vez lavada la colocamos en un cazo con agua y la llevamos a ebullición durante 15-20 minutos, la proporción de quinoa con el agua es un vaso por dos de agua.
Una vez que vemos cómo se queda transparente y con un trocito blanco la apartamos la dejamos que se enfríe un poco y le añadimos el huevo el pan rallado el ajo y el perejil y la sal al gusto igual que el ajo el perejil al gusto.
Damos forma a la hamburguesa con las manos o bien con un molde de hamburguesas. Una vez las tengamos formadas en una sartén las doramos por ambos lados como más nos guste.
Se pueden acompañar con verduras o con cualquier guarnición que más nos guste.
Que aproveche.
250g bread flour
25grs olive oil
125grs water
5grs salt
10grs sugar
12grs of fresh yeast
In a bowl put the flour, oil, salt and sugar dissolve in water and incorporate yeast .
We integrate all ingredients to form a soft dough , make it into a ball and let stand until doubled in size .
We put on the table and we cut portions , the size will taste. Each serving the flatten with a rolling pin and put , grated fresh cheese , garlic powder , onion powder and oregano , quantities are welcome.
The roll up , we make a few cuts and put them on the baking sheet covered with a cloth , we leave to fold the size and put in the oven at 170 ° C until golden brown .
A new way to eat bread )
ingredients: 100 grams of black chocolate fondant 150 grams of milk chocolate 70 grams of puffed rice to chocolate 50 g of sunflower oil . preparation: In a saucepan put the chocolate into pieces and oil, heat it and let stir until chocolate is completely undone . Once we have waste , we incorporate it into the rice and move it well . In a rectangular pan lined with plastic wrap , pour the mixture over the chicken , put weight on it and we put it in the fridge for about 24 hours
ingredients: 300 grams of grated coconut 300 grams of white sugar 3 eggs preparation: Beat eggs , add sugar and mix well , add the grated coconut and stir to form a dough. With two spoons are forming and placed in molds or paper or on a baking tray lined with baking paper . They go into the oven at 170 until golden .